Jerry Schmitt
Jerry Schmitt is a Financial Planner in the Chicago area as well as a Veterans Administration Accredited Claims Agent. He is a Qualified Medicaid Planner, and an expert on Veteran’s Benefits, Medicaid, and Long-Term Care Payment Strategies.
Jerry served as the state president of the Illinois Continuity of Care Association from 2015 – 2019.
He has helped many adult children of seniors, and spouses find a way to protect their loved ones’ hard-earned assets and lifetime savings in the Chicago and downstate area.
Jerry partners with, helping families and caregivers ease the burden of caring for their loved ones.
Jerry has also helped many families and individuals protect their assets while entering a nursing home under Medicaid benefits. Click below for his FREE Medicaid Planning Guide, “How to Qualify for Nursing Home Benefits Without Spending Down Your Life Savings.”
View his video below that explains how you can qualify for Medicaid with nursing home benefits.

Here’s a brief video on how to qualify for Medicaid benefits without losing your life’s savings.
Jerry has also been working with families since 2005 to assist them in obtaining the Veterans Pension Benefit commonly known as VA Aid and Attendance. See his VA Aid & Attendance website, as well as his LinkedIn profile.
Join the Webinar
The best way to learn how to qualify is to join Jerry for one of his Wednesday webinars.
Join Jerry every Wednesday evening at 7pm CST for his webinar on “How to Qualify for Medicaid Without Spending Down Your Life Savings.”
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 987 569 4063
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