by Kevin Banet | Jul 3, 2021 | History
This weekend we will be reminded – in rather vague references unfortunately – of the various freedoms we enjoy as citizens of the United States. Let’s be specific about an often-neglected one. Don’t hold your breath – you won’t hear too much...
by Kevin Banet | May 31, 2021 | Senior stories
I met him next to the banana display at Walmart. He had driven his motorized wheelchair to the produce department, his veteran’s hat clearly visible. “Where is Pine Island?” I asked, looking at his clean-looking cap, which bore the words...
by Kevin Banet | Apr 22, 2021 | Senior services, Senior stories
Are you one of those people who worries about space junk? There is another problem of unwanted stuff, and it’s not up in space. It’s the pushed-aside and forgotten detritus of our lives in our basements, garages and empty bedrooms. This is where you will find outdated...