Help My Senior

Easing the struggle of the family caregiver

The Social Worker as a Punching Bag?

The air was tense as Claudia stared at the open doorway through which a visitor had just walked. “She has the nerve to put that kind of pressure on us,” Claudia whispered to her co-worker Rebecca as she craned her neck, making sure that the woman was gone. “They do...
Social Work: Know When to Say No

Social Work: Know When to Say No

Samantha explained her situation: she had four children at home, was pregnant with twins, and her husband had a low-paying job as a truck driver. “And the air conditioning on the van is broken. It gets so unbearably hot back there for the kids – you know what I mean.”...

The Untold Story of Thanksgiving

We often think of the gratefulness of the pilgrims in 1621 as sparking our Thanksgiving holiday. But there is more to the story. In that year, the pilgrims, who had made a 66-day journey from England, celebrated with a three-day feast, attended by members of the local...
Prayer of a Caregiver

Prayer of a Caregiver

Caregivers – whether family members or professionals – endure many difficulties of caring for their loved ones. We offer this prayer, composed by several laypersons and a priest, to all who want to reach out to God for the graces needed to carry out their...
Sad tale of a stressed caregiver’s mother

Sad tale of a stressed caregiver’s mother

The story still haunts me. A sorrowful adult daughter of an aging mother related her real-life, sad story, of her struggle with her elderly mom’s constant needs. The daughter had to frequently take her of her mother’s needs while taking care of her own family. The...